Wednesday 16 November 2016

intertextual reference example

1. scary movie remakes the scene from scream with comedic value added.

2. people who get the reference to scream could feel like there part of a select group who get the reference.

3. fans of the original film that is being referenced who also like humour and are fine with playful jabs at films they like.

4. people might like this reference since it stays faithful to the original while also adding in humour.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Oscar Film Editing - Mad Max Editing Analysis 3 (Part 4)

This is yet another great scene in the film that shows Sixel's expertly well crafted edit. This opening scene sole purpose is too introduce us to our protagonist and the world he lives in. They start giving us this intro by giving us audio context over the opening credits making us know why this world is how it is. This introduction also showcases who our main character is perfectly using voiceover from the protagonist over the starting action allowing us to know his past and what his torments/issues are. They also show us quick flashbacks (cutaways) to his past while also showing us his current predicament giving us a even closer incite into him. There is also a quick use of jump cut in this scene when he is getting his car showing that he moving quickly to try to get away faster. The fade out in the middle of the scene is used to show that we are moving location from out in the wastes to Immortal Joe's Fortress.

Oscar Film Editing - Mad Max Editing Analysis 2 (Part 3)

This scene is one of the final scenes in Mad Max and it is the one with the most meaning and strength created by Sixel's strong editing talent. This scene shows one of the main characters, Nux sacrificing
himself to save the lives of his new found companions. The way that Sixel edited it highlighted the deep meaning of Nux's sacrifice to the whole character arc of Nux. She did this by choosing to use cuts close up of his face to showcase his growing realization of what he has to do and then using slow motion to show his full realization and the real nobility of his choice uttering his final line "witness me". crescendoing into the twisted beauty of the crash and his death on top of the beautiful score.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Oscar Film Editing - Mad Max Editing Analysis (Part 2)

This scene is one of the many scenes in the movie that showcases Sixel's editing decision of choosing shots that were in the centre of frame. In the film most of the action stays steady and in the centre of the screen. This was done to make sure that the audience could easily concentrate on what the director and editor want them to concentrate on. This technique is a much better approach at showing action in a film than most fast action films which action is shaky and all over the place making the action way more complex to follow than it should be, Mad Max does the exact opposite of this making its edit much more smoother and successful than the average action flick. This technique also show that action films can be an well made art and more than mindless entertainment.

The film also contains other great techniques in other scenes such as jump cut speeded up visuals when guns are reloaded and fade outs

Monday 7 November 2016

Volvo Trucks Analysis

This is quite a open advert due to its concept being quite unique and abstract and by the logo not showing up till the end.
By doing this they make the audience draw in by the concept instead of turning them away by throwing loads of corporate things at the screen.
The advert shows Jean Van Damme doing a split between 2 moving Volvo trucks while giving a speech (monologue).
It isn't clear that the advert is meant to be showing the Volvo trucks strength until the slogan and the Volvo logo appear.

Thursday 3 November 2016

unit 21 film editing V 1

John Lewis Christmas Advert 2015 Analysis

This is a very open advert due it having nothing related to the brand in it till the end of the advert when the john lewis logo appears. The advert shows a little girl attempting to contact the man on the moon, we are not shown how this connects to john lewis except for a flimsy slogan at the end "show someone they're loved this christmas".

Argos TV Advert Analysis

The advert is very closed due to it having voice over and text throughout the entire advert and the logo appearing at the end and beginning, this makes the audience know where they can go to buy the products that are shown. The advert shows toys that you can be purchased at Argos and has voice over the advert talking about the products and deals at Argos. However the advert does not tells the individual prices of the items shown only giving us a range in price at the bottom  

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Film 4 idents analysis

The advert is quite closed due to the film 4 logo being present in the advert for 90% of it. 
By showing the logo for most of it the audience will clearly tell what channel is being advertised.
Many references to famous films are shown such as The Shining, Et,Moonrise Kingdom and Psycho giving the audience connotations of certain films in our mind by what is shown, also the adverts are stylised like a film reel. 
Although it does not show exactly what the films are and doesn't tell us what channel film4 airs on.