Wednesday 24 May 2017

Iron Man Ideology

Iron Man

Dominant Ideology - This Clip supports the very common dominant ideology of america being the one to swoop into danger and being the hero, world police. it does this by showing Iron Man arriving and saving civilians from terrorists who were holding the civilians captive at gun point. The scene represents Iron Man as someone who is very powerful and seemingly a unbeatable hero, showing the very common place convention of a strong one man army action hero.

The hypodermic needle theory suggests that audiences will see a media and that the information from the media will be forced onto the audience, for instance in a scene like this might make american viewers see Iron Man (an american) killing terrorists and then view this sort of "Justice" as right and then support this type of action in real world situations. Potentially leading to viewers going to fight terrorists believing as if they can be like iron man. Some members of the audience might receive gratification from the movies violence.

1 comment:

  1. Michael – well done for giving this a go.
    Well done for recognising the representation of the US as 'policeman of the world'. You've also shown some understanding of the hypodermic syringe theory.

    To prepare for the exam -to aim for the higher marks- you need to consider the following things:
    -Try to remember to apply punctuation to relevant areas of your responses – see below for examples.
    -Avoid making statements that -if you think more deeply about them- are a little unrealistic. Your point about the way viewers might potentially fight terrorists is an example of this (this would be a very extreme, aberrant response indeed!). Instead, try to think of more realistic 'Hypodermic Syringe' responses. For example- some viewers would feel their general world-view was being validated (reinforced) by such representations. Such a person might go on to --support-- US military intervention in the Middle East (i.e. - not fight, but possibly vote for a sympathetic politician)– possibly justifying such a position by referring to the high-tech equipment the US military use. This could still be argued to be a response to the film – using the hypodermic theory.

    Dominant Ideology - This Clip supports the very common dominant ideology of America being the one (Country?) to 'swoop into danger' and (??) being the hero, world police (??). --It-- The film achieves does this by showing Iron Man arriving and saving civilians from terrorists who were holding the civilians captive at gun point. The scene represents Iron Man as someone who is very powerful and seemingly an unbeatable hero, --showing the very common place-- using the Action-Movie convention of a heroic, strong 'one man army' --action hero--.

    The Hypodermic Needle Theory suggests that audiences will see a media (product) and that the information from the media will be forced onto the audience, for instance in a scene like this might make american viewers see Iron Man (an american) killing terrorists and then view this sort of "Justice" as right and then support this type of action in real world situations. (The last sentence is too long – try to break sentences like this up into 2/3 sentences) Potentially leading to viewers going to fight terrorists believing as if they can be like 'Iron Man'. Some members of the audience might receive gratification from the movies violence (another theory- Uses & Gratification, yes – but what kind of gratification?).
