Thursday 6 October 2016

Picture Analysis


  1. ..and your analysis?

    (pls write this up Michael)

  2. the analysis is there in the picture

  3. .... oooh.

    GPA: Now summarise it on this blog Michael (type it all out!)

  4. okay

    In the picture we can see a person sitting on a chair hunched over leaning on a hammer in a darkly lit room. He seems to be hiding his face behind the hammer so we cannot see his facial expression, therefore his emotion at this moment he could be crying or laughing. other little details we can notice in the image is the hoodie he is wearing and a small shimmer of light peaking over his right shoulder. we are also not given context to the time of day the picture was taken, the location, why he's there and if he is with anyone at this time.
