Sunday 30 October 2016

I, Daniel Blake & Jack Reacher age rating comparison

According to BBFC I, Daniel Blake got a 15 age rating classification due to the film containing uses of very strong language ('c**t'), as well as more frequent use of strong language ('f**k'). The film also got its 15 rating due to its visual and verbal references to prostitution. Jack Reacher however got a 12A rating by making sure its violence, language and "Taboo" themes were portrayed in mild careful ways, making sure to not show too much so not to obtain a higher rating.This was done by not showing extreme violence(gory violence for example) and cutting of an actor before they say strong language ("what the fuc-") basically implicating what is happening so the audience can follow the action but not actually showing it to avoid a 15 or 18 rating.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Picture Analysis

Skint Analysis

      Skint: Analysis

  • takes a documentary stance rather to the common dramatised reality tv shows
  • goes through a persons daily life to show contrast to the viewers life
  • the music fits the people who are shown doesn't play music that would't fit the people e.g hard rock
  • in a way the show is emotionally manipulative by showing mostly there hardships to make us feel sorry for their predicaments 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Pre Production - Video Case Studies

Pre Production - Video Case Studies by Michael on Scribd

Science Fiction Generic Conventions

Science Fiction Generic Conventions by Michael on Scribd

Unit 8 Lesson 3

Unit 8 Lesson 3 by Michael on Scribd

Mr Berriman flashkit demo


Dunkin Donuts- Representation analysis

Dunkin Donuts by Michael on Scribd

A Script

random script page by Michael on Scribd

History of Film Editing – Brief Overview

History of Film Editing – Brief Overview.pptx by Michael on Scribd

5 types of media

5 types of media by Michael on Scribd

Demographics and Psychographics

Media 5 Demo and Psycho by Michael on Scribd

Unit 4 - Pre Production Part II

Unit 4 Pre Production Types Part II by Michael on Scribd

Unit 4 - Pre Production Part I

Green Day: "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" (test upload)
